Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Paradise Lost 2, 3

Paradise Lost 2
The council of devils and their different plans are an interesting take. Freedom to do whatever they choose seems to be their main goal. Are they being portrayed as heroic? The rumors circulating of the invention of man set the devils on their new course of action instead of the other alternatives they had thought of. What if they had followed Belials plan? Would man have still fallen?

Paradise Lost 3

Despite all of the machinations of the devils and the coming fall of mankind, God is still described as, having “sov'reign sentence” for mankind. The heavenly choir makes me think the Handel's Messiah and paints a more vivid scene in my mind of heaven. I liked the reference to “Elysian flow'rs” in heaven. Once again, Milton subtly ties this to epics of the past and makes it a more seemless connection to call this epic.


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